Stylized Jared Lyon text


May 25, 2016

Ambigrams are word art that can be read in more than one way. The reader changes orientation or focus but legible text remains. Sometimes the change in orientation/focus displays new words, other times it maintains the same words. Most often, the word art is rotated upside down, or viewed in a mirror.

I've created a decent amount of these ambigrams over many years. I usually see them as fun challenges, almost like puzzles that have optimal solutions. What follows are some of my favorite creations.

Ambigram of the words One Love.
Ambigram of the name Jared.
Ambigram of the words play and hard.
Ambigram of the words top and dog.
Soccer ball with 'play hard' ambigram.
weightlifter's T-shirt with 'tog dog' ambigram.
Ambigram for the game Cuphead (2017).
Ambigram for the documentary I Am Divine (2013), based on its poster.