Stylized Jared Lyon text

Some updates to my site

Date published: May 18, 2005

Generic website-related photo

In the last month or so, a random spark of energy has surfaced itself in the form of some updates on my site. Actually now that I think about it, two of the four updates happened over a month ago, but I still wanted to call attention to them here in a journal entry so here it is.

First off, we have the style switcher. I only have two styles right now, the artsy style and the blue oval style, but still, I think the concept of letting people decide how they want to view the page is cool. We shall see if I keep it in the long run.

Next, I've built an RSS feed for my journal entries, so for those of you who subscribe to RSS feeds to view news and such, this feed will help you stay up to date with what I'm up to without having to come to my site to see if I've posted a new entry.

I finally have a form up for people to contact me through my site. Intentionally I don't have my email address anywhere on my site, just so I keep spam to a minimum. This new contact form let's people contact me without giving away my email address.

Finally we come to my favorite new addition. If you are one of the few people that come to my page from time to time, you will have noticed that my journal entries now have a photo banner. I'm liking them a lot and I think they really make the journal entries come to life a bit more.

Hope you enjoy the improvements.