Stylized Jared Lyon text

My iPod Color 20GB

Date published: July 1, 2005

My new iPod

Many of my friends have them, and today I finally got one too: an iPod. In preparation for its arrival, I spent the last month reading all of my CDs into my computer as MP3s. So now I'm all set! Just because I was worried about it getting scratched and on the recommendation of my friend George, I bought an iSkin for it as well. They say there is no substitute.

I've been pondering getting an FM Transmitter for it as well, because I'd love to listen to it through my car stereo. I've heard mixed reviews about the iTrip, but I like it's small size. I've heard some better reviews of the PodFreq, but it's much bigger, and no one personally has recommended it like the iTrip. So as of now, I'm still undecided. If I end up getting one, I'll post about it here.