Stylized Jared Lyon text

High price for height?

Date published: August 31, 2006

Ok, I was just on CNN and noticed that there's a video about these parents who have been injecting their kid with human growth hormone because they thought their son was too short. The doctor's predicted that the boy would only grow to be 5 foot 5 inches. Apparently the parents' insurance paid the $50,000 PER INCH for the kid to grow up to be 5'8".

Now, I'm 5'5", and I'm not some sort of cripple or something. The boy was complaining that people were calling him short and picking on him. Welcome to grade school and high school kid, not get over it. People call me Little J and I think nothing of it; I'm shorter than the average male height, so they're just speaking the truth.

I've got an idea. Let's start being better parents and teaching your kids about self-confidence and improving their self-esteem in non-medical ways, instead of teaching your kid that drugs and fix all ones problems.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, most of what is wrong with America today is due to bad parenting.