Stylized Jared Lyon text

Another new toy, the Casio Exilim EX-Z750

Date published: July 16, 2005

7.2 megapixels in the palm of your hand

I don't really consider myself someone who has a lot of gadgets or anything. Oddly enough though, in the last 2 weeks, I've acquired two such gadgets. Well, maybe gadgets is too awkward of a word. Regardless. First it was the iPod, and now I've just received my new digital camera in the mail.

After reading Mike Davidson's review of Casio Exilim EX-Z750 camera, I thought it sounded like a great camera both in terms of price and features. My current camera was several years old, and at 2.1 megapixels, it really didn't cut it if I wanted to print out a picture at anything larger than 4" x 6", let alone if I wanted to zoom in a crop the picture. So, the review stuck in my mind. Just a little while later, I saw another review of the Casio Exilim EX-Z750.

The camera seemed too good to be true. At a whopping 7.2 megapixels, one would expect it to be more expensive than the $360 it was selling for. It's got tons of features and will even take 30 frames per second video at a resolution of 640 x 480. With the 1 gig card that I bought for it, I can take over 30 minutes of video at that size (assuming nothing else is on the card at least). With that and all the other great features, I had to have it.

Off I went to, found the best price, and ordered it. Just a couple days later and here it is. I probably would have put off purchasing it for a while, but I'm going to be headed off to the annual Twin Peaks Fest and wanted a better camera.

The fest is only 10 days away now, and I still have loads of things to get done. Specifically, the name tags and packets that everyone gets at the sign in, which have the schedule, celeb updates, maps, and other random info. Hopefully I'll have all that done and know how to use my camera like a pro by the 26th. Wish me luck!