Stylized Jared Lyon text

Big ice storm in Rochester

Date published: April 7, 2003

For those who are reading this who live in Rochester, this is not news at all, but for those not in the general area, Rochester had a HUGE ice storm this past weekend. I'm told that the last ice storm like this was back in 1991. As I was driving home from my friend Jim's, I noticed that everything seemed a bit darker than it should be. Then I came upon 3 sets of traffic lights, none of them were working.

When I got home to my apartment, we had power but not cable or Internet. The next day I found out that over half of my apartment complex didn't have I was lucky. Anyway, it's monday now, and on the news it said as of this morning 69,000 people still didn't have power! That's about 3 days with no power (some people even lost power Thursday night)...pretty crazy. Anyway, I took some picture's friday morning, they're below.

Ice covered bushesIce covered bush (close up)Ice covered grassIce covered pine tree